Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Graveyard of Dreams-Shattered Hopes and Aspirations on Alaska's Iditarod Trail -new book by Craig Medred

We have finished the first two guided trips here in Alaska and are getting settled into our summer routine. Yesterday I took some relaxation time and read Craig Medred's book "Graveyard of Dreams, Dashed Hopes and Shattered Aspirations Along Alaska's Iditarod Trail". I didn't close the book until I was finished. He did a great job presenting the history, geography, weather and the people that make the Trail what it is to all of us. The story is about the dog race but take away the dogs and it could have been written about all of us who come back year after year to enjoy life in its simplest form eating, drinking, sleeping, moving, facing and hopefully overcome the challenges the Trail throws our way. The book made me want to be back on the trail today! If any of you are interested you can find the book at Palmer Fireside Books or at

Bill Merchant